Artistry Eyebrow
Hyper-realistic eyebrow tattoos
In Hungary from 2013. summer!
This is a unique eyebrow tattoo, which looks absolutely real.
We have been searching for years for a technique which allows us to make the perfect eyebrows with a really natural look. A natural look is a top priority for women regarding their eyebrows. If this can be guaranteed, they are happy to opt for something new and they can benefit from the advantages of permanent makeup.
Why so special?
With the help of this technique, we can make the thinnest eyebrows, which do not merge into one another even after the healing process
Magic pencil
Pre-drawing the eyebrows is done by a special pencil which makes it possible for the client to see the final result exactly.
Amazes you
The traditional silky eyebrow tattoo is a refined technique. However, it does not convince everybody. The artistry eyebrow amazes everybody and even those who have previously disowned permanent makeup are in favour of it.
The most perfect technique
Making the eyebrows is a quick and spectacular process.
Once the tattoo is finished, the client can take part in any kind of event immediately, because the tattoo looks so natural.
This is the best technique for partial eyebrow tattoos.
Why is it worth to learn Artistry Eyebrow?
While getting acquainted with the technique of traditional silky eyebrows is a harder and longer process, making artistry eyebrows gives a sense of achievement soon. This is a unique technique which can be integrated into the services of all makeup artists who represent natural- looking permanent makeup or would like to offer something new to their clients.
If you feel that you have problems with the machine-made eyebrow hair stroke technique or if you do not have enough time to practise, this training will help you boost your knowledge about hair stroke eyebrow tattoos. The theoretical part can be used efficiently when you make eyebrow hair stroke tattoos with the machine.
Just because the above mentioned reasons, the popularity of this technique has spread quickly. If you want to keep up with it and your clients demands, you need to learn it too.
You certainly would like to have more clients but if you want to be more popular, you need to provide something special, unique. Now you have found it!
You do not even need a machine to make this beautiful and natural eyebrow tattoo!
If you already have devices of high quality but your calendar is still not full, it is sure that you need to invest more in your knowledge!
Why is it worth choosing our course?
• We only offer 2-day trainings just like the renowned experts of the world!
We allow you plenty of time to understand the theoretical knowledge, to practise and to learn the theoretical-practical part as well. You can gain theoretical and practical knowledge of such importance that will influence or change your views on making hair stroke eyebrow tattoos fundamentally. The students who completed our course will have the opportunity to take part in a refresher course free of charge after a few months. This can help them with the problems arising during practice.
More reasons
If you are a successful permanent makeup artist of high standards, you are bound to be good at this technique too. As everybody else who fell in love with this technique, you will too because all the new information is built up logically and you will have plenty of time to practise during the course.
If you are not yet an experienced permanent makeup artist but you have a thirst for knowledge, give yourself the chance to choose well the first time and learn from a genuine expert. If you expand your knowledge at a crash course or if you learn from somebody who learnt it just a few months before, it is highly likely that you cannot get ahead to a more sophisticated level and you will lose interest in permanent makeup.
Even the most experienced permanent makeup artists can learn an entirely new way of thinking and a great number of novelties.
Is it really the best choice?
We have a great deal of routine in machine-made hair stroke eyebrow tattoos, so we have added our own experiencesto the material of the course. Not only can you learn a type of pattern, a hair stroke technique but we teach you to think! We can help you decide what kind of technique you should choose for your client.We guarantee you that the theoretical knowledge gained at our course can be used when making machine-made hair stroke eyebrows too.You will not be left to your own after the course either, as we know that you may have a lot of questions during this stage. We will help you with personalised homework and we will be happy to answer all your questions! Days, weeks and months after the course we will still be there for you!There are many factors contributing to success, so we will discuss some criteria you might need in the future.
Pictures about the course
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They have already completed the course:
A tanfolyamokon szakmailag rendkívül sokat fejlődtem, a szolgáltatásaimat olyan technikákkal gyarapítottam, amelyek korábban nem voltak nálam megtalálhatóak, pl. butterfly szemhéjsatír, soft powder vagy artistry szemöldök tetoválás.
Choose your course!
Course process
First day: 10am – 6pm
- theoretical knowledge
- Presentation of tools and materials, usage
- lunch
- Understanding and practicing Artistry hairstroke technique
Second day: 10am – 6pm
- demonstration of the Artistry technique on a model
- lunch
- Practice on own model
- summary, homework
- Summary, closure, homework crosstalk
Starter Kit contents:
- 1 piece of Artistry handtool
- 10 pcs of “S” Artistry needle
- 20 pcs of “M” Artistry needle
- 10 pcs of “L” Artistry needle
- 1 bottle of liquid fixative
- 1 piece of Japanese pencil
- 1 piece of Japanese pencil sharpener
- 1 piece of practice skin
- 8 bottles of 5 ml ALEXANDRA permanent makeup pigment / excellent for device usage as well /
We look forward to your application.
Ask for advice how to improve yourself!